

“Dinosaurs in the bible” has been chosen to show up on the videocommunity homepage. I think that’s quite cool.



Some “Concept-Art” for an idea i’ve got. Perhaps it will be used for an animation next time. A short called something like “Ghoulsport – Faules Fleisch”.



Another task in the semester break, dubbing a silent movie. This one is “Nosferatu – Eine Symphonie des Grauens” from 1922 by Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau.

Dinosaurs in the bible

Dinosaurs in the bible

During the semester break i made this animated short film. Using an audio snippet of “Dinosaurs in the bible” by Bill Hicks.

Fare thee well my loving hands!

Fare thee well my loving hands!

It has been a while since my last update. So i decided to do something new and switched to wordpress ’cause this time i want to keep it up to date.