“Dinosaurs in the bible” has been chosen to show up on the videocommunity homepage. I think that’s quite cool.
Some “Concept-Art” for an idea i’ve got. Perhaps it will be used for an animation next time. A short called something like “Ghoulsport – Faules Fleisch”.
Another task in the semester break, dubbing a silent movie. This one is “Nosferatu – Eine Symphonie des Grauens” from 1922 by Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau.
Dinosaurs in the bible
During the semester break i made this animated short film. Using an audio snippet of “Dinosaurs in the bible” by Bill Hicks.
Fare thee well my loving hands!
It has been a while since my last update. So i decided to do something new and switched to wordpress ’cause this time i want to keep it up to date.